U2 - No Line On The Horizon

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U2 - No Line On The Horizon [Retail]

aving been around since the 80's it's not hard to believe that U2 are on their twelfth studio album. Their last album was released in 04' making this the longest gap between any album they've released. Their upbeat and energetic first single "Get on Your Boots" has made a peak at #37 on the Billboard Hot 100. As for the album the band get back to basics and deliver some of their strongest offerings in years. The album varies from a range of sounds whether it be a oldies rock sound to an mix of electic sounds. Fans of the band should not be disappointed so check it out and BUY YOUR COPY MARCH 3RD!!

1. No Line On The Horizon
2. Magnificent
3. Moment Of Surrender
4. Unknown Caller
5. I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight
6. Get On Your Boots
7. Stand Up Comedy
8. FEZ-Being Born
9. White As Snow
10. Breathe
11. Cedars Of Lebanon

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