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This story just gets even sadder:

A second teenage boy has now come forward claiming he is the father to Chantelle Steadman's daughter Maisie not 12 year old Alfie.

Richard Goodsell 16 years old has come forward admitting he had been sleeping with Chantelle for three months and around the time she fell pregnant and has now demanded a DNA test to prove he's the Dad.

Richard said: “I know I could be the father. Everyone thinks I am. My friends all tell me that baby has my eyes— even my mum thinks so. Only a DNA test is going to sort this out properly. If I am the father, I have the right to know.”

The 3rd potential father is 14 year old Tyler Barker “I slept with Chantelle in her bed about nine months ago and I’m really worried I could be the father. I hope it’s not me. All my mates have been teasing me about it but this isn’t funny, it’s serious.”

Both boys and their parents have made sworn statements in front of a solicitor detailing their nights of sex with Chantelle. Chantelle insists she lost her virginity to Alfie and that she was on the pill but she forgot to take it.

Alfie has agreed to take a DNA test but still believes he's the Dad:

"Other stupid boys are lying, saying bad things, like they have slept with Chantelle too. But I am the only boyfriend she has had and we've been together for two years, so I must be the dad. When she found out she was having a baby, I asked her 'Am I the dad?' and she went 'Yeah' so I believe her. I didn't know about DNA tests before, but Mum explained it's when they do a swab in your mouth and it tells you if you're the dad. So, if I have that, they can all shut up. But I don't really care what people say. And I don't like them being bad about Chantelle."

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