Rihanna has officially been dumped–and on Facebook




Rihanna has officially been dumped–and on Facebook, no less!

On Thursday, disgraced R&B cronner Chris Brown announced that is ending his volatile relationship with the Barbados-born lovely in a message on his private Facebook page.

Chris allegedly assaulted the singer–leaving her with what police describe as “horrific injuries–” just hours before the Grammy Awards in Los Angeles last weekend. Last Sunday, the 19-year-old star was arrested and booked on charges of making criminal threats. He has been released on bond.

Chris changed his relationship single on the page, which is listed under his full name Christopher Maurice Brown.

He also writes: “You’ll begin to see her true colors. Believe it!”

I’ve tried to be unbiased about this very serious situation, because everyone is innocent until proven guilty and we simply don’t know what happened that night. But this statement really pisses me off! Young Mr. Brown needs to grab a chair and sit his ass down!

He has the brazen audacity to blame her for his actions?! If you’re dating a person who doesn’t have the good sense God gave a billygoat, then you dump them. What you don’t do is go around behaving like a vicious little monster because your girlfriend is nagging you, accusing you of cheating on her, gave you an STD, or made a remark that you don’t like. (All of which have been cited as reasons for the assault.) Unless she hit him first or threatened his life, he had no business putting his hands on her.

And the young women who come here defending this type of behavior with co-signing comments designed to vilify Rihanna need to buy a clue. Just because you like the kid’s music doesn’t mean you should go on a champagne campaign in defense of him hitting an unarmed woman. You are an embarrassment! He deserves what he’s got coming to him. End of discussion.


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