13.2.2009 | 16:34

You see that cute little boy holding that baby? Well, that's not his little sister he's holding. That's his fucking daughter. And he's not 5 years old, he's 13! AND the bitch sitting next to him who kind of looks like she should be eaten by Pac-Man is his baby mama! We can safely file this under: That little fucker can make sperm?!
This story out of Britain from The Sun has sparked OUTRAGE! Okay, not really outrage, but everyone that sent it to me either titled it: "WHAT THE FUCK" or "THIS IS SOME FUCKED UP SHIT." CAPs and everything.
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Shit, lķkist Law and order žęttinum ķ gęrkvöldi.
Įsdķs Siguršardóttir, 13.2.2009 kl. 16:53
Halla Rut , 13.2.2009 kl. 18:50
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