Chris Brown og Rihanna ķ slęmum mįlum , munu ekki koma fram ķ nótt į Grammy “s einn oršrómurinn segir aš hann hafi lamiš hana ??? varla getur žaš veriš !

Chris Brown og Rihanna munu EKKI vera višstödd Grammy veršlaunaafhendinguna en bęši įttu aš syngja og vera meš atriši į skemmtuninni en sagan segir aš kona hafi kęrt Chris Brown fyrir aš hafa lamiš sig eftir tónleika ķ gęrkveldi og hann mun vera ķ haldi lögreglu fréttir eru mjög óljósar į žessu stigi mįlsins og hafa E news samt sem įšur stašfest aš žau muni EKKI vera į svęšinu og setur showiš ķ uppnįm.

Meira seinna

R&B star Chris Brown is being investigated by the LAPD after an alleged assault on an unidentified female, law enforcement officials tell TMZ.

The LAPD is currently investigating Chris for assault following an alleged domestic violence felony battery against a woman in Los Angeles at 12:30 AM on Sunday.

Chris and his 20-year-old girlfriend, singer Rihanna, have cancelled their appearances at tonight’s 2009 Grammy Awards following the violent incident.

According to the LAPD, the 19-year-old star and the woman were in a vehicle on North June St. in the Hancock Park area of LA, where the victim claims an argument occurred. Christ allegedly stopped the car and the woman suffered “visible injuries;” she has identified the singer as her attacker.

“Mr Brown is a suspect that we are looking for… we would definitely like to speak with him,” a spokesperson for the LAPD said in a statement on Sunday.

Rihanna was scheduled to perform and is nominated for three Grammys at tonight’s ceremony at the Staples Center. Chris is up for two awards at the ceremony.


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