Eftir 12 įra fjarveru mętir Goldie Hawn aftur til leiks nś meš dóttur sķna .....

After a nearly 12 year hiatus from the industry, entertainment icon Goldie Hawn has enlisted the help of her screen star daughter, serial maneater Kate Hudson, in making a motion picture comeback.

Goldie, who hasn’t had a major hit since the 1996 film The First Wives Club, is hoping fans will give her another shot at the spotlight if she teams up with her ever-popular daughter, according to the February 9 edition of The National Enquirer.

“She’s looking for something current and modern.”

Goldie and Kate are looking for a “sophisticated comedy” that will feature mom and daughter lighting up the silver screen side by side. In fact, the future co-stars have already received more than a dozen scripts.


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