Nokkrir stuttir

A supermodel orders a pizza and the waiter asks if he should cut it into six or twelve pieces. She says, "Six, please. I could never eat twelve pieces."

What do supermodels and beer bottles have in common? Both are empty from the neck up.

What did the supermodel say when she found out she was pregnant? "Are you sure it's mine?"

What do you call a supermodel with two brain cells? Pregnant.

What does a group of supermodels have in common? Nothing they can think of.

Why was the supermodel happy that she finished a jigsaw puzzle in only six months? Because on the box, it said "3-6 years."

Why did the supermodel climb over the chain-link fence? She wanted to see what was on the other side.

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1 Smįmynd: Įsdķs Siguršardóttir

  you always make me happy

Įsdķs Siguršardóttir, 25.1.2009 kl. 18:26

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