Kelly Osbourne has entered rehab, PEOPLE has confirmed.

The 24-year-old daughter of Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne is reported to have checked into an unnamed center in Los Angeles for 30 days.

Her reps say in a statement to PEOPLE, "Kelly Osbourne has voluntarily entered a medical facility to address some personal issues. Her family stands by and supports her."

No further details were provided.

Late Thursday, Osbourne's mother Sharon was quoted on as saying, "Yeah, Kelly's in rehab. What else can we say? She knew that it was the right thing to do at this point and we're proud that she did it. The family is all standing behind her. Kelly knew that she needed help and she's getting it."

The matriarch added, "We just pray that everything's going to be okay."

Previous Treatment

Nearly five years ago, at the time of her family's reality series The Osbournes, Kelly Osbourne checked into a treatment facility in order to deal with a painkiller addiction.

This week, on Monday it was reported that Osbourne had been arrested for allegedly slapping a gossip columnist last summer. She is scheduled to return to see authorities in March.

Source: People

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