Superbowl & Obama ekki slęmt



Jennifer Hudson will reportedly return to the stage for the first time since losing her family in a triple homicide last October at Super Bowl XLIII in Tampa, Florida next month.

According to a scoop from E!, the Grammy-nominated star will perform “The Star-Spangled Banner” before the big game on Feb. 1.

Jennifer Hudson is being courted to perform The National Anthem at President-Elect Barack Obama’s inauguration next month, The New York Post reported on Wednesday.

“Organizers want Jennifer to sing ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ at the Inauguration on Jan. 20,” The Post insider says. “They are talking to Jennifer about it. It would be the first time she performed since the murders. She is from Chicago and a huge Obama supporter.”

As you may recall, Jennifer performed The National Anthem at the Democratic National Convention in Denver last August.

The Oscar-winning actress hasn’t been seen publicly since her mother, brother, and 7-year-old nephew were brutally murdered in Chicago earlier this year.

PC Hudson kemur fram į Super Bowl
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