
Weird Couple Alert!

We hear hotel heiress Paris Hilton, 27, has been hitting the Hollywood social circuit with one of Tinseltown’s hottest bachelors.

George, 47, has ignited rumors that he is next in line for an STD after enjoying a pair of dinner dates with socialite at Dan Tana’s and The Whiskey Bar at The Sunset Marquis Hotel in West Hollywood late last month.

The serial daters were joined by director Ridley Scott, Marvel Studios chairperson David Maisel, and Brittany Flickinger, winner of Paris’ BFF reality series, which aired on MTV earlier this year.

“It was an odd group for a dinner party,” says an eyewitness And the December 20 dinner was no ordinary with business meeting, In Touch Weekly and Life & Style report.

“It looked like a first date that they brought pals on to make it not look like a first date.”

“George couldn’t keep his eyes off Paris,” one mole squealed to L&S. “She and George were deep in conversation at the bar and seemed to be enjoying their time together,” said the spy, who added, “They were laughing and smiling at each other throughout the night.”

An In Touch informant agrees, “Paris was flirting big time, and George was soaking it up…You could tell they were really into each other.”

“They definitely plan to get together in the new year.”


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