Nżr leikstjóri - New Moon framhaldiš af Twilight

He's accepted Summit Entertainment's offer to direct the movie adaptation of the second book in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series of vampire novels, New Moon. (I first broke the news that Weitz had received the offer and the news that Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke was off the sequel ,The offer went out to director Chris Weitz in part because he's a longtime pal of Summit's president of production. Now comes a letter that the director will be sending to Twilight fans (below) with his selection endorsed by Stephenie Meyer (below that). Fan approval is very important to Weitz, who initially resigned from directing The Golden Compass, also based on a popular book, because he feared getting dissed by devotees. Despite that, Summit has put its first valuable franchise in his hands. Weitz has successfully worked with tweens and teens in About A Boy as director and writer, and in American Pie as producer and uncredited director. I'm told Summit wanted Weitz because the studio liked the look of The Golden Compass (he was writer and director) even if it didn't heat up the domestic box office. Here's the Weitz letter to fans:


Twilight book series author Stephenie Meyer endorsed Weitz today and published his letter on her website:

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