Winona Ryder aftur komin ķ vandręši !!!


The original Wino is in legal trouble again!

According to the UK media, actress/accused shoplifter Winona Ryder is under investigation for 'losing' $125,000 worth of diamond encrusted jewelry loaned to her for a Marie Claire event in Spain earlier this month.

Wino (1.0) has reportedly blamed the hotel staff for the loss.

She said she gave the Bulgari bracelet and ring to the hotel staff for safekeeping.

Uh huh. Sure, Wino!

But, hotel management have said they have no surveillance footage showing her handing over the jewels.

The people at Bulgari have supposedly called in the police to investigate.

Wino (1.0) has had a crap month. First there was the alleged overdose on a London-bound flight and now this jewelry debacle.


Get yourself together, (1.0)!

A spokesman for the jeweler refused to comment to the Brit media.

And, no surprise, Wino's mouthpiece was 'not available'.


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