Spį fyrir ašsókn OCT. 31-NOV. 2 ķ USA

approximately 2,250 screens. The big name in this one isn't Haley Bennett, who plays Molly Hartley. The draw is Chase Crawford, from TV's teen hit Gossip Girl ... but this is still a non-starter. My hunch is that Haunting will only scare up $3.8 million, despite opening on Halloween weekend.

1. High School Musical 3: Senior Year (Disney) — $17.65 million

2. NEW Zack and Miri Make a Porno (Weinstein) $13.25 million
3. Changeling (Universal) $10.6 million
4. Saw V (Lionsgate) $10.3 million
5. Beverly Hills Chihuahua (Disney) $4.5 million
6. The Secret Life of Bees (Fox Searchlight) $4.1 million
7. RockNRolla (Warner Bros.) $4 million
8. NEW The Haunting of Molly Hartley (Freestyle) $3.8 million
9. Eagle Eye (DreamWorks/Paramount) $3.3 million
10. Pride and Glory (Warner Bros.) $3 million
11. W. (Lionsgate) $2.6 million
12. Body of Lies (Warner Bros.) $2.2 million

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