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Well wouldn’t you know, Elvis has been dead for three decades and still earns more than most breathing celebrities.

The King of Rock N’ Roll is still the Prince of Dead Celebrities.

Elvis Presley has topped Forbes Magazine’s 2008 list of “Top-Earning Dead Celebrities,” taking in $52 million between October 2007 and October 2008.

The 30th anniversary of the rock star’s death helped boost attendance and merchandise sales at Graceland, Forbes reports.

Forbes Magazine Top-Earning Dead Celebrities 2008:

1. Elvis Presley-$52 Million

2. Peanuts founder Charles Schultz-$33 Million

3. Heath Ledger-$20 Million

4. Albert Einstein-$18 Million

5. Aaron Spelling-$15 Million


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1 Smįmynd: Gušnż Einarsdóttir

Jahį žaš er nefnilega žaš humm

Gušnż Einarsdóttir, 29.10.2008 kl. 23:01

Bęta viš athugasemd

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