28.10.2008 | 22:25
The Olsens got owned by a pack of PETA protesters during their book signing in New York City on Tuesday

The Olsen trolls left their post at the bridge today to sign copies of their pretentious book at Barnes & Nobles in NYC's Union Square today. The book weighs more than the both of them combined.
The little evil trolls were greeted by the bitches from Peta who dressed up for the occasion and stood in the rain. I know what I'm going to be for Halloween now....
I bet the Olsens would take "fur tramps" as a compliment. They probably smiled at Peta hos and said, "Aww. prune. Thank you. prune. That's sweet. prune."
Here's the Olsen trolls looking kind of clean (?) while signing the book of a really hot fan today.
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