Russell Brand & Jonathan Ross are in trouble

Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross are in a lot of trouble after ringing up Fawlty Towers actor Andrew Sachs leaving messages on his phone saying Russell slept with his granddaughter.

Andre Sachs said: 'We are a loving family and the whole thing is fairly unpleasant. But all the attention is on those two fellows. I am also getting a lot of attention of course and am hurt and angry by the whole thing. But I am not as hurt and angry as my granddaughter, who is very upset by the whole thing. The real focus should be on the harm they have done to her.'

4,775 listeners have complained about the prank already.

Tory MP John Whittingdale, chairman of the Commons Media Select Committee, said: 'What is more troubling is that this part of the radio programme went through editorial checks and balances that are meant to stop this from happening. This is the latest in a succession of appalling incidents from both comics. They seem to repeatedly cause offence and get away with it.'



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