The Spirit Poster


Will Eisner’s The Spirit

Release Date: January 16, 2009
Studio: Lionsgate
Director: Frank Miller
Screenwriter: Frank Miller
Starring: Eva Mendes, Gabriel Macht, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson
Genre: Action, Adventure
MPAA Rating: Not Available
Official Website: Not Available

Production Stills: View here
Plot Summary: Adapated from the legendary Will Eisner’s graphic novels, “The Spirit” tells the visceral, action-packed story of a man who fakes his own death and fights crime from the shadows of Central City. The Octopus — who kills anyone unfortunate enough to see his face — has a different mission: he’s going to wipe out the entire city. The Spirit tracks this cold-hearted killer from Central City’s rundown warehouses, to the damp catacombs, to the windswept waterfront… all the while facing a bevy of beautiful women who either want to seduce, love or kill our masked crusader. In the vein of “Batman Begins” and “Sin City,” “The Spirit” takes us on a sinister, gut-wrenching ride of a hero who is born, murdered and born again.

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