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Celebrity mom Lynne Spears is set to turn her controversial book, Through The Storm, into a biopic about her superstar daughter, Britney.

Lynne is already in talks with top Hollywood studios, snitches for Britain’s Daily Mail report.

According to the tab, House Bunny babe Anna Faris is being lined up to play the oddball pop legend, while Lynne is courting “Pretty Woman” Julia Roberts for the role of herself.

“She’s pitching the book around to studios. She even says she wants Julia Roberts to play her. It’s insane!”


Britney Spears will embark on her first concert tour since 2004 next Spring, according to Billboard.

The Comeback Kid will hit the road in support of her new LP Circus, which is slated to hit stores December 2, with a Spring 2009 tour produced by AEG Live.


There will be no champagne corks popping when Britney Spears embarks on her concert tour around the world in the Spring of 2009. Britney has placed a booze ban on her entourage ahead of her world tour.

The “Womanizer” singer is demanding that her crew stick to soft drinks when they hit the road with the Queen of Comebacks for her trek around the world next year.

“Brit loves her coffee – but since getting back into shape this is her only vice,” a tour insider says.

“Only water and coffee passes through her lips and she looks great. She has been through a lot but she is back to the Britney that we all know and love.”


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