1.10.2008 | 21:41
Ķ Bretlandi setja žei myndir į Sķgarettupakkana frį og meš deginum ķ dag
Here's some good news for people trying to quit smoking.
Starting Wednesday in Britain, cigarette boxes will feature printed images on the packets showing just how gruesome and harmful smoking can be.
The pictures will show cancerous lungs and throats, as well as yellow teeth and other side effects.
They'll also feature new warning slogans, such as "Smoking can cause a slow and painful death" or "Smoking clogs the arteries and causes heart attacks and strokes."
Warnings will start appearing today and will be mandatory starting next October.
They'll also be printed on all tobacco products starting October 2010.
Action on Smoking and Health (Ash) director Deborah Arnott said, "The stark images in the picture warnings on tobacco products are a call to action to smokers to quit, and the evidence is that they work. The evidence also shows that picture warnings work better on plain packs, so we are urging the Government to also implement legislation to require the removal of pack branding to maximise the impact of the these images."
Just in Britain, one in six from their population of 60 million is a smoker, which is the reason the government has been taking action to reduce the numbers.
Other preventive measures have also been put in place.
In the UK last year, the smoking age was raised from 16 to 18. Also, smoking in enclosed public places was banned across the country since July 2007.
Wonder when/if they'll start using those images in the US.
Soon, we hope!
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Dust 2 Dust
Ómar Ingi, 1.10.2008 kl. 21:54
Viš deyjum hvort sem er öll hvaša mįli skiptir hvort ég dey um 70 eša 35įra? Nįkvamlega eingu žvķ fyrr žvķ betra.
Kvešja Skattborgari.
Skattborgari, 2.10.2008 kl. 00:32
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.