27.9.2008 | 23:46
George Michael told: It's me or drugs
CRACK shame superstar GEORGE MICHAELs loyal lover has told him: Its me or the drugsyou choose!

Long-suffering Kenny Goss issued the stark ultimatum after the Wake Me Up star was nicked, yet again, in a public loothis time with the killer form of cocaine.
Now George is heading to rehab in an effort to tackle his love for narcotics once and for all and to win back his fella.
My source reveals: It was the final straw for Kenny. Theyve been together 12 years but enough is enough and hes given George an ultimatum: the drugs or him. Falling in love with crack cocaine is something Kenny will not tolerate.
George apologised to fans after receiving a caution for possession of the Class A drug and Class C marijuana at loos in Hampstead.
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