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No your eyes aren't deceiving you Amy Winehouse is STILL alive. Shocking I know !!!

Crackhouse performed at the very posh End Of Summer Ball In Berkeley Square event last night and managed to ruin her 12 year old god daughters music debut.

After Crackhouse attempted to perform it was Dionnes turn but Amy ruined the whole performance. While performing Amy was jumping all over Dionne and hugging her whilst she was trying to perform. Amy was supposed to just provide backing vocals:

A witness said "It was tragic she (Amy) seemed totally wasted. She was jumping all over Dionne as the poor girl tried to sing to the crowd. Amy didn't really sing a single note - it sounded more like she was grunting down the mic."

At the end of Dionne's performance Amys backing singer told the crowd "Isn't she great? She's only 12 years old."

Amy snapped back shouting down the mic "She's better than you, It doesn't matter how old she is."

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