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Just when you thought this story couldn't get anymore tragic, it does. I'm warning you. This might completely ruin your day.

TMZ reports that Travis Barker and his friends weren't originally supposed to be on that Learjet last night. Earlier yesterday, Travis' assistant, Chris Baker, found out his wife was about to go into labor. Travis promised Chris that he would do whatever he could to get him home as quickly as possible. They learned that the fastest way to get from South Carolina to Van Nuys was to travel by private jet.

Travis doesn't usually fly by private plane, but did it so that Chris could be with his wife.

We all know what happened next. Four people including Chris were killed in the crash after midnight. Chris' wife went into labor this morning. They also have another child together.

Travis and DJ AM are currently being treated at a burn center in Augusta, GA. People reports that Shanna Moakler has flown from Los Angeles to be with Travis. Her mother said they haven't told Travi's kids yet until they know more. Travis reportedly suffered burns from the waist down.

One of DJ AM's friends told E News! that his face is very burned. The friend said, "More than 50 percent of his body is burned and the worst is on his face." He has been put in a doctor-induced coma so he can undergo skin grafts.

There is a whole lot of sadness on this one post.

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