Woot! We made it safe and sound to Reykjavik, Iceland early this morning. Even tho the flight was about 5 hours it felt much longer not that we got much sleep. We got to the hotel at around 8 and had to wait an hour and a half for our room to be ready which was OK cuz we had time to have a nice breakfast to get the day started. We opted out of napping so that we could salvage as much of the day as we could. We ventured out into the city and walked around for a couple of hours. I gotta say, its cold here ;) The wind didnt help much but the beautiful shining sun did. It rained on us a couple of times but blew over very quickly and we managed to find shelter from the storm at a cute little cafe named for the Norse god Loki. Here are a few of our pics from today:
Its unfortunate that the Hallgrimskirkja Church is undergoing renovations cuz the whole thing is covered with scaffolding
nonetheless, its still a beautiful sight to behold. We couldnt stay out long cuz I wanted to get back and get some work done. Tonight were gonna find a nice place for Davids birthday dinner and then will be turning in early
we have a big, long day ahead of us tomorrow. Our 10 hour glacier hike/tour is gonna be awesome
or kill us, were not sure quite yet ;)
So far, we love it here were having a great time and are doing our best to stay warm.
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.