Microsoft rekur Seinfeld

Microsoft announcement tomorrow: No more Seinfeld ads!

Remember those awful Microsoft ads with Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Gates? Well, now you can forget them. Microsoft flacks are desperately dialing reporters to spin them about "phase two" of the ad campaign — a phase, due to be announced tomorrow, which will drop the aging comic altogether. Microsoft's version of the story: Redmond had always planned to drop Seinfeld. The awkward reality: The ads only reminded us how out of touch with consumers Microsoft is — and that Bill Gates's company has millions of dollars to waste on hiring a has-been funnyman to keep him company. Update: In a phone call, Waggener Edstrom flack Frank Shaw confirms that Microsoft is not going on with Seinfeld, and echoes his underlings' spin that the move was planned. There is the "potential to do other things" with Seinfeld, which Shaw says is still "possible." He adds: "People would have been happier if everyone loved the ads, but this was not unexpected."

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1 Smámynd: Emmcee

Microsoft Dumps Seinfeld For Rapper Pharrell

Hip-Hop star Pharrell joins a cast of celebrities in a new $300 million dollar advertising campaign being launched by technology behemoth, Microsoft.

The “second phase” of Microsoft’s ad campaign featuring Pharrell have the tagline: “Windows. Life without walls.”

Microsoft has tapped Williams’ marketing power in the past, as the hit making rapper/producer helped launch the company’s game Halo 3 in the United Kingdom.

Emmcee, 18.9.2008 kl. 21:25

2 Smámynd: Ómar Ingi

Emmi að detta sterkur inn , þú hefur nú lært eikkað af kallinum back in da day

Ómar Ingi, 18.9.2008 kl. 22:26

3 Smámynd: Emmcee


Emmcee, 18.9.2008 kl. 22:45

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