2 Desember nżr diskur og žaš į sjįlfan afmęlisdagin hennar Britney Spears

Brit Brit's record label has announced that her next album will be released on her 27th birthday, December 2nd. Brit's 6th studio album will be called "Circus." Cue Brit Brit explaining her album title: "It's called 'Circus' on account of mah life being a circus an' all! An' I really likes them clowns an' cotton candies!" I guess the title "Trainwreck" was already taken for Wino's next album.

The first single off her next album, Womanizer (aka The Ballad of KFed), will be released September 22nd.

"Circus" is the follow-up to "Blackout" which was only released last year. Producers on her new album include The Outsyders, Dr. Luke, Danja, Max Martin, Bloodshy & Avant and Guy Sigsworth. WHAT?! Chester Cheetah didn't get a producer credit again?! That's cold of Brit Brit. I guess you always hurt the ones you love the most.

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