Lennon var Pervert.

John Lennon: The Life, a new book that's set to be released next month by noted Beatles biographer, Philip Norman, alleges John Lennon wanted to have sex with Paul McCartney and his own mother. Imagine. The Sun UK reports:

The biography, with which both collaborated, says that John wanted to form a gay relationship with Macca. It also accuses the legendary singer of fantasising about having sex with his own mother....A pal said: "Both Sir Paul and Yoko are extremely angry and upset."

I don't know, man. John Lennon did kinda look like a weirdo. If he was alive today, he'd probably still be making good music, but let's not kid ourselves into thinking that at some point his laptop wouldn't be seized by authorities.

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1 Smįmynd: Gušrķšur Pétursdóttir

well, freud sagši aš žaš vęru allir kallar sem vildu innst inni sofa hjį móšur sinni

Gušrķšur Pétursdóttir, 15.9.2008 kl. 10:59

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