Öskur og lęti ? ķ Josh

A secret sex romp between actor Josh Hartnett and a buxom mystery woman in the library of a London hotel has reportedly been caught on camera.

The 30 Days of Night actor is in the UK starring in the West End theater production of Rain Man.

Josh, 30, was unaware he was being watched by hotel staff as he had sex with a mystery woman in front of hidden surveillance cameras.

“Josh and the girl were getting pretty hot and heavy,” a spy tells Britain’s Daily Mirror.

“Their every spit and cough was recorded and cringing hotel workers saw all of Josh’s X-rated moves. No one quite knew where to look and there was a very awkward silence.”

“Josh didn’t seem bothered that the library wasn’t locked and anyone could just burst in. He just kind of went for it.”

Josh has been “asked to take his personal business elsewhere” in the future.

“He has been very well behaved since,” a member of the hotel staff adds.

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