Kanye Lemur į myndavél hjį Papparazzi

Don't stop praying for Kanye West's MacBook Air. Yes, it's still alive, but Kanye hasn't done a caps-filled angry rant about his arrest yet.

The only thing he posted on his blog was this: "We back in the lab!!! I'm cool with the paparazzi. This guy wasn't cool. I gotta work now... I'll rant later!"

At least he's giving his MacBook Air some time to strengthen up and prepare for the furious beating it's going to get from Kanye's phalanges. Phalanges is a silly word. I need to use it more often.

TMZ reports that Kanye might not be charged at all. Kanye's assistant is the one who did the most damage. He broke two cameras totaling around $8400. In California, fucking up property worth more than $400 is considered a felony.

Kanye broke a camera light which is worth $100. Therefore, his assistant will probably be charged with a felony and if Kanye is charged at all, it would only be for a misdemeanor.

How much do you want to make a bet that Kanye Walks! Sorry. It was just laying there for me. I had to write it.

SORRY, woops, I mean, sorry for all the caps. It's the Kanye West in me. According to TMZ, Kanye was arrested at LAX today for excessive CAPS use. No, he was arrested for wearing that outfit. No, he was really arrested for felony vandalism.

While at the American Airlines terminal (he doesn't have a private jet?), a pap started taking pictures of him. Kanye wasn't feeling very photogenic, so he snatched the pap's camera and smashed it on the ground.

TMZ started filming it with their own video camera when Kanye's assistant tried to stop them. The camera dude and Kanye's assistant started fighting over it. The assistant won and he threw the camera to the ground, breaking it. Kanye then tried to get the tape from TMZ's guy.

Kanye and his assistant are currently being booked.

Oh....shit! I can't wait for the epic blog posts from Kanye to follow. You better stand back when Kanye starts blogging, because his angry ass words will probably smash your screen to bits. I'm afraid his poor MacBook Air might not survive. It's already entered into the witness protection program. It knows what's coming.



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