og meira til fyrir Apple viftur

We just got some hands-on time with the new iPod touch, and we're really feeling this one. Jury's still out on the new nano, but the second-gen touch is a marked improvement over the first gen model. The WiFi antenna looks much better integrated, the speaker doesn't sound like complete trash despite not even having any speaker holes, and the thing is crazy thin. Like, really, really thin.

Yep, it's pretty much what you expected. Still, this thing is like a sliver in your hands. Check the gallery below and see for yourself!

One more thing: New iPod shuffle colors

Although not announced, the iPod shuffle also got turned out in four new colors in addition to the ol' standby, (PRODUCT) RED. Still 1GB and 2GB for $49 and $69, respectively. Hey, what more do you want, aluminum MacBooks? See what's been left behind after the break.

Live from Apple's 'Let's Rock' event in San Francisco

We're at Apple's Let's Rock iPod event at the Yerba Buena Center, check after the break for all our updates.

iPhone 2.1 software update announced (update: $10 for iPod touch owners)

Ah, bug fixes galore. Apple just announced firmware 2.1 for the iPhone and iPod touch. "No crashes," says Steve. He's calling it a big update with the promise of fewer dropped calls, big battery improvement, and faster backups. Is this a dream? We'll find out when it's released this Friday.

P.S. No mention of copy and paste.

Update: 2.1 will be available for iPod touch owners for $10. Come on, you didn't really expect it to be free did you? There's a "buy now" button atApple introduces $79 in-ear headphones

In case you missed 'em among all the iPod hubbub, Apple also introduced some new in-ear headphones today, which should go some way to improving its reputation among more discerning listeners. These boast two drivers each -- a woofer and a tweeter -- and come with three earbuds to ensure a proper fit. They sure are running up against some stiff competition at the $79 mark though -- but hey, they're white.

iPod touch updated -- same screen, new case, Nike+ integration

As expected, Apple just updated the iPod touch with a new thinner stainless steel case -- it's still got the same display. There's now hardware volume controls (hooray!) and a built-in speaker, and a Nike+ receiver is also built in, so you just need the shoe transmitter. On the software side, the UI has been tweaked and the new iTunes Genius features have been added, and the App Store is now included (obviously). Battery life is decent at 36 hours of music and 6 hours of video, and Apple's doing the same "environmentally sound" design thing it did with the new nano. Three price points: 8GB for $229, 16GB for $299, and 32GB for $399. So much for that rumored price drop below the iPhone's $199 price point, but we won't complain too much about a $100 price drop.

Well well. Can't say we're surprised to be telling you about the new 4th generation iPod nano. As we heard, 9 colors, bigger $149 8GB and $199 16GB capacity.

Steve Jobs just announced that the iPod classic will only come in a single $249 120GB config from now on. Seriously, that's the only model of classic available now, storage junkies -- better snap up those outgoing 160GB models while you can.

mbl.is Apple kynnir nýja iPod-spilara
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1 Smámynd: Signý

Ó svo sexy!

Signý, 9.9.2008 kl. 21:21

2 Smámynd: Skattborgari

Flottur sími.

Kveðja Skattborgari.

Skattborgari, 9.9.2008 kl. 21:37

3 identicon

Fæ samt alltaf kjánahroll þegar ég les fréttir frá apple...að hugsa sér að menn leyfi sér að rúlla út gölluðum hlutum, og rukka svo fyrir lagfæringarnar :) Flottar vörur útlitslega samt.

Bara Mac fólk lætur bjóða sér svona (og að sjálfsögðu bílaeigendur á Íslandi) :)

Ellert (IP-tala skráð) 10.9.2008 kl. 00:07

4 Smámynd: Villi Asgeirsson

Þessi Touch er ansi jömmí. Bíð samt eftir því að áskriftin mín renni út næsta sumar og fæ mér iPhone. Jamm, hér er vifta á ferð, enda er ég að pikka þetta á 3 1/2 árs PowerBook.

Villi Asgeirsson, 10.9.2008 kl. 06:13

5 Smámynd: Villi Asgeirsson

Það er rétt Sófús. Væri þetta bara Mac vandamál, væru ekki til sörvispakkar fyrir Windows.

Villi Asgeirsson, 10.9.2008 kl. 11:39

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