8.9.2008 | 22:52
Trekkies 42 įra

Star Trek, love it or hate it, has held the test of time. Despite its declining popularity, it still remains the second longest running science fiction franchise. (I was reminded that Doctor Who is 45) Nothing can compare to the history and spinoffs of this property.And today, Star Trek turns 42, facing its own rebirth next year.
Star Trek (Also known as TOS, The Original Series) debuted in the United States on NBC on September 8, 1966. The show tells the tale of the crew of the starship Enterprise and that crews five-year mission to boldly go where no man has gone before.
The Original Series (1966 1969)
The Animated Series (1973 1974)
Phase II (failed return to TV - never aired or produced)
The Next Generation (1987 1994)
Deep Space Nine (1993 1999)
Voyager (1995 2001)
Enterprise (2001 2005)And the Feature Films
Star Trek: The Motion Picture 1979
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 1982
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock 1984
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home 1986
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier 1989
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country 1991
Star Trek Generations 1994
Star Trek: First Contact 1996
Star Trek: Insurrection 1998
Star Trek Nemesis 2002
Star Trek 2009MB
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