8.9.2008 | 22:46
Jen ekki bara aš leika stalker !!

Jennifer Aniston and Bradley Pitt were in Toronto at around the same time this past weekend. Can't you tell? It's obvious Jenny is scanning the land for any sight of Brad in one of his silly hats. She can probably smell his aroma nearby so her stalker eyes have gone into overdrive. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like they ever met up.
The Sun claims they had cocktails together. UsWeekly claims they didn't. I don't think they did. We would definitely know it. If it happened, Jenny would leap through the streets of Toronto in her lucky granny panties, singing about how she's got her man back. Then lightning would strike her because....well....Saint Angelina knows Zeus personally. I think he owes her a few favors.
Despite, not running into Brad, things are "great" for Jenny. She told People, "Things couldn't be better." I'm sure she said that while grinding her teeth and digging her nails into her thighs.
Here's our favorite cat lady at the TIFF premiere of her movie "Management" last night. I also threw in some pictures of Billy Goat Pitt at the TIFF premiere of "Burn After Reading" on Friday night.
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