Žetta 24 er bśiš.

If we had a penny for each time 24 shut down to re-tool, we’d almost have enugh money to buy something cheap at the local corner store. Quick re-cap of bad things that have happened to 24:

-Season Six did so poorly that Fox sat down with the writers and told them to shape up.

-Season Seven was originally supposed to take place for 12 hours in Africa, have a 12 hour off-camera break then continue in the US for an additional 12 hours. This plot was scrapped and the show’s production delayed as the writer’s rebooted. This plot is now part of this fall’s 24: Exile, which is supposed to tide us over until Season Seven in January 09.

-Season Seven was supposed to take place in Washington DC where Jack Bauer is on trial for something-or-other. The CTU set was exchanged for an FBI set t. Just when we said the show was jumping the shark, the announcement was made that Tony Alameda will come back from the dead, proving that the show jumped the shark last season.

-Keifer Sutherland drove drunk and went into jail for 48 days over Christmas.

-24 announces that Season Seven is on hiatus until further notice.

-Executive producer Joel Surnow leaves.

-24: Exile is announced, show continues production.

-Fox brings in Jon Voight, which could be awesome or could be an action motivated by desperation.

Now, we get this from EW:

Apparently Jack Bauer needs a little breather: After the completion of episode 18 on Sept. 15, production on Fox’s hit drama 24 will shut down until Oct. 9 while the writers reshape the upcoming season’s creative direction — specifically the transition leading to the end game. “We had a couple of scripts that we weren’t happy with,” 24 exec producer Howard Gordon tells EW.com. “We just couldn’t get this direction to work, and we found another one that we liked better, so we wound up retooling it.”

Gordon assures us that this will NOT delay the beginning of Season Seven and that this does NOT mean that Season Seven is going to suck as much as Season Six, says Gordon: “The only, only, only concern at all is getting it right. Our feeling was this: We’re so happy with what we’ve done so far, and to the extent that we had that luxury [of time], we said, ‘Why not make it as good as we could?’”

Yeah, we’ll believe it when we see it.

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