Lynne reveals more personal Britney secrets

Even more alarming reports from Lynne Spears' new book "Through The Storm: A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World," have surfaced, including details regarding Britney's meltdown, her split from singer Justin Timberlake, and Britney's relationship with ex-manager Sam Lutfi. Earlier in the week, more reports from Lynne's memoir claimed a 14-year-old Britney lost her virginity to an 18-year-old high schooler, had tried drugs at 16, and was allegedly caught with cocaine and marijuana at 17.

The breakdown:
"When I saw her in the ambulance, her beautiful brown eyes pained and haunted, something inside me broke," Lynne says in her new book according to The Sun. Lynne knew Britney's situation was "life and death." She added: "To see my child like this - at the lowest ebb of her life - almost killed me. I was overcome with a feeling of sadness and helplessness."

Lynne recalls the night Britney shaved her head as a cry for help saying: "It was so shocking, so disturbing to see that girl with such despondency in her eyes - it broke my heart in a million pieces."

Soon after Britney's infamous buzz at Esther's Hair Salon, Britney checked into Promises Rehab in Malibu, California - the beginning of her estrangement with mom Lynne: "Britney would lash out at me, accusing me of siding with Kevin and letting him have the boys." Lynne added that when Britney left rehab, "her anger at me had not cooled. In fact, she refused to speak to me, and our estrangement lasted an excruciating seven months."

The split from Justin Timberlake:
"I wish they would have parted differently, rather than to hurt each other and leave all those scars," says Lynne about Britney & Justin's tremendously public breakup. Lynne also told how the "reckless and irresponsible" marriage with Jason Alexander was a rebound from Justin. "Almost two years after she and Justin had broken up, Britney was still wounded. She started to act out of pain in an effort to numb her disappointment and heartache."

These heartbreaks, Lynne feels, caused Britney to jump from relationship to relationship. Cue Kevin Federline. "I wasn't crazy about the fact that he was already a daddy and his ex-girlfriend was eight months pregnant with their second child," says Lynne about Kevin's previous relationship with Shar Jackson.

"Lynne also told how her daughter suffered from post-natal depression," reports the The Sun, saying: "It added to her broken spirit over the end to her marriage to Kevin," says Lynne.

And claims Britney was a bad mother after being photographed with son Sean Preston on her lap while driving "brought her to breaking point," Lynne said.

Sam Lutfi:
"He said that was the reason she had been quiet for three days. She had been drugged," Lynne claims in her memoir. "He said doctors needed her to be in a sleep-induced coma to get other medication." Lynne also claims Lutfi told the singer: "Take the pills. You should do what I tell you to see your babies."

Lynne added: "She was sad, floundering, ripe for a predator to come along. Britney was open to this man who rode in on a white horse."

"Within a month of meeting, Sam was in complete control of her life," says Lynne. "He appointed himself as her gatekeeper, and there was no one he wanted to keep the gate closed to more than Britney's family."

Lynne recalls Sam Lutfi told Britney she "cared more about her boyfriend than her children," referring to Britney's toxic ex-fling Adnan Ghalib.

Reports claim Lynne's new book, "Through The Storm: A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World," will tear their newly-mended relationship apart. The book hits shelves September 16th, and is available through online pre-order

Source: BH

This is very personal stuff that she is publishing for the whole world to read. This is her daughter she's selling out. Britney's better and on the up and Lynne wants to bring her down again. Britney & Lynne have just patched things up and Lynne has just thrown it all back in Brits face.

Poor Brit finds it hard enough to trust anyone but not been able to trust your own Mother ..... that's tough.

What sort of sick twisted Mother does this to their own Daughter ?

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