Rumors have begun to bubble up from the depths that Tom Cruise may voice a villain in Shrek 4.
Tonight I got an email from one of our regular sources at DreamWorks, whispering in my ear to let you know that Tom Cruise is being considered to voice one of the villains in Shrek Goes Fourth. The sequel is due out in 2010 and this time its being directed by Mike Mitchell, who is rumored to be something of a Tom Cruise fan.
Since Cruises cameo in Tropic Thunder, everyone has wanted the man to sign on for more comedy. Voicing a character for Shrek 4 isnt what I had in mind however, because Shrek sucks, and has been played out at 3. Although the franchise may still continue to rake in money, the last film was pure garbage and I cannot see things improving from here.
Kudos to Cruise for wanting to continue on the comedy train - but I cannot get behind big name actors doing voice-work. I think his time would be better suited acting in a film, and best that he leave the voice acting to those that dedicate their lives to it.
International friends, what are your thoughts? Are you looking forward to Shrek 4, and what are your thoughts on this unconfirmed news?
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