The Nanny Search Gets Brutally Honest on Craigslist


The nanny search can be tough (just check out all the desperate Craigslist ads), but as we all learned in The Nanny Diaries, the nanny job is even tougher. One Upper East Side mother, Rebecca Land Soodak, recently spelled that fact out when she took her search to Craigslist, a move that has now landed her in the NY Times.

Her ad described her four bundles of joy as a pain in her ass, and it got the mommy message boards a brewin' with conversation. She also noted that if the applicant suspects "all wealthy women are frivolous, we are not for you. I do not want to hide my occasional Bergdorf shopping bag.

Soodak is a painter and writer (she admittedly wouldn't mind a book deal) and is married to the owner of Union Square Wines & Spirits. The couple own the six-story building they reside in, and the lucky winner of the nanny job, Christina Wynn, will get her own studio apartment in it (along with $430/week). According to her Facebook page, the 25-year-old UVa grad has degrees in Psychology and Religious Studies--and her updated job description is: "Keeping track of 4 busy Manhattan kiddos and attending classes in between." „Börnin mķn eru erfiš“
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