Žaš styttist ķ Emmy veršlaunaafhendinguna

Here’s your first look at Ryan Seacrest (American Idol), Heidi Klum (Project Runway), Jeff Probst (Survivor), Tom Bergeron (Dancing with the Stars) and Howie Mandel (Deal or No Deal), the five hosts of the 2008 Primetime Emmy Awards, in a new promo ad for this year’s ceremony.

Each host is vying to be the first reality host to take home an Emmy in the Outstanding Host Reality or Reality Competition Program category.

“As we thought about the very important role of a host for this year’s show, it became more and more apparent that we should ask these people who do such great work as hosts on a weekly basis to host television’s night to shine. This is what they do best, and we’re convinced they’ll do a great job for us on Emmy Night,” says Emmy executive producer Ken Ehrlich.

The 60th Primetime Emmy Awards, television’s biggest night, will air on Sunday, September 21 at 8 p.m. on ABC.


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