Hér er listi yfir þær kvikmyndir sem selt hafa flesta aðgöngumiðana í USA , en í dag er farið eftir tekjum kvikmynda

All Time Biggest Box Office Draw Movie

There has been a lot of talk lately about the biggest box office movies of all time due to the insane amounts of money that The Dark Knight has been raking in at the box office. The film will reach $500 million domestically, which will make it the #2 all time money making movie just behind Titanic.

However to me, when talking in the context of “all time” box office success, the dollar amounts don’t really mean all that much to me because the cost of tickets changes drastically over time. Imagine if there was a time when making a basket in basketball only counted as 1 point instead of 2. If you tried to compare between a modern player and one from the “1 point per basket” era in terms of who was the best at making baskets, looking at points would be irrelevant. You would instead look at the number of baskets each player made, not the number of points.

Thus, when looking at “all time” box office success and trying to compare films from radically different eras, it’s pointless to compare dollar amounts. The best gauge is instead to look at tickets sold. How many people bought tickets to see that movie?

So even though “The Dark Knight” is now #2 all time in the MONEY department… how does it stand up all time against other movies if it didn’t have the advantage of higher inflation ticket prices? Would it still be #2? Would it drop down to #5 or #6? Actually, if you measured movies all time by how many people actually went to the movie theater and bought tickets to see it… then “The Dark Knight” would currently only sit at #35 all time. In other words, if all the movies ever made all sold their tickets for the exact same price, The Dark Knight would be the #35 all time box office movie.

So here is your list of the all time box office champions:

#1 Gone With The Wind202,044,600$1,430,476,000
#2 Star Wars178,119,600$1,261,086,700
#3 The Sound Of Music142,415,400$1,008,300,900
#4 E.T.141,854,300$1,004,328,700
#5 The Ten Commandments131,000,000$927,480,000
#6 Titanic128,345,900$908,688,900
#7 Jaws128,078,800$906,798,000
#8 Doctor Zhivago124,135,500$878,879,000
#9 The Exorcist110,568,700$782,826,200
#10 Snow White109,000,000$771,720,000
#11 101 Dalmatians99,917,300$707,414,100
#12 Empire Strikes Back98,180,600$695,118,900
#13 Ben-Hur98,000,000$693,840,000
#14 Return Of The Jedi94,059,400$665,940,600
#15 The Sting89,142,900$631,131,400
#16 Raider Of The Lost Ark88,141,900$624,044,300
#17 Jurassic Park86,205,800$610,337,400
#18 The Graduate85,571,400$605,845,500
#19 The Phantom Menace84,825,800$600,566,700
#20 Fantasia83,043,500$587,947,800

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1 identicon

Nokkuð magnaður listi, enda er maður að berjast  í dag við tíma þar sem kvikmyndir voru nærri eina raunveruleikaflóttaleiðin. miklu meira activity að gerast núna í kringum okkur... sem gerir árangur Titanic enn magnaðri, og því miður sýnist mér Star Wars trílógían upphaflega komast þarna inn ... ásamt Phantom Menace... og engin af Lord of the Rings - sem eru þó mínar uppáhalds myndir allra tíma...

En takk fyrir þetta Ommi.

Doddi - Þorsteinn G. Jónsson (IP-tala skráð) 26.8.2008 kl. 22:30

2 identicon

Vantar á þennan lista eina af frægustu klámmyndum allra tíma Deep Throat. Þegar hún var fyrst sýnd í USA 1972 var klám ólöglegt í bíóhúsum þar í landi, þannig að ekki eru til neinar tölur sem hægt er að segja með vissu að séu sannar. En því hefur verið haldið fram af mörgum (t.d. Roger Ebert) að þetta sé einn af söluhæstu myndum allra tíma, sagt er að hún sé búin að taka inn allt að $600 millur. Þessi tala færst aldrei staðfest en því hefur ávallt verið haldið fram að þessi mynd sé inn á topp 20 yfir söluhæstu myndir allra tíma. Og ef að það er satt þá er hún í fyrsta sæti miðað við kostnað ($22,500).

Kv. Gaui klámhundur!!!!!!

Guðjón Freyr (IP-tala skráð) 27.8.2008 kl. 09:44

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