
Edwin A. Salt, the upcoming espionage thriller originally written for Mission: Impossible star Tom Cruise, is being re-scripted for serial mommy Angelina Jolie, Variety reported on Monday.


Awwww..Poor little Sienna! The paparazzi nearly brought sexy screen siren Sienna Miller to tears on Monday as they teasingly peppered the actress with questions about her illicit relationship with the still very married Balthazar Getty as she pumped gas at a Malibu gas station.

Apparently, there are consequences for doing the mattress mambo with another woman’s husband.


Britney Spears is returning to the VMAs…sorta. After making headlines with a disastrous performance at last year’s MTV Video Music Awards, Britney will appear alongside this year’s host Russell Brand in a television ad spot for the September 7th ceremony.

The shoot also included a 9,000 pound elephant-a running gig about last year’s “Gimme More” catastrophe.
The commercial was shot in Hollywood on Tuesday and is set to begin airing later this month, according to E!

The Special Olympics and 21 other disability groups are calling for a nationwide boycott of the new Ben Stiller-directed film Tropic Thunder over what the groups consider a “negative portrayal” of the developmentally disabled


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