6.8.2008 | 23:21
Munu United XXXXX og viftur fyrirgefa honum ?
Following a brief meeting with Sir Alex, Ronaldo has finally put an end to the summer-long transfer saga in an interview with Portuguese newspaper Publico to be published tomorrow.
Ronaldo said: Sir Alex Ferguson heard my arguments, I heard his and, in fact, it was settled that the best for both parties would be for me to stay.
Therefore, I can confirm that, next season, I will play for Manchester United.
Before rumours emerge saying that I will play against my will, I want to make this clear - whoever says or writes that is lying.
I will play for Manchester with all my heart and soul. I will fight and honour that shirt with the same commitment and dedication as always.
Ronaldo has also taken the blame for the transfer saga, which lasted for several months and damaged Uniteds relationship with Real.
He continued: I was responsible for all this controversy.
I was the one who publicly expressed my desire to go to Real Madrid. I ended up being, even involuntarily, responsible for the poor relationship between the two clubs.
But he repeated that his dream of playing for Real remains and has not closed the door on a future move to the Spanish giants.
He explained: I knew Real Madrid were interested in signing me and that they had allegedly made a very high offer to Manchester United.
My desire was, for some time, that Manchester had accepted my transfer to Madrid.
Saying otherwise would be to trick people and my own consciousness.
This isnt much of a surprise to anyone probably, considering hes under contract and Real buying Van Der Vaart, but Im glad its over with.
Do you think hell feel a fan backlash similar to Adebayors situation with Arsenal or is he too important to United for the fans to turn against him?
Ronaldo: Verš hjį United nęstu leiktķš | |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
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Žetta var allt saman blįsiš óžarflega upp. Hann hefur gaman af athyglinni strįkurinn og nżtti sér hana ķ sumar. Ég held aš žetta geti komiš ķ kollinn į honum. En annars var hann mjög óvinsęll hjį stušningsmönnum United eftir HM 2006 žegar hann "kom illa fram" gagnvart Rooney ķ landsleik Englands og Portśgals (sem Portśgalar unnu), og žį var gaman aš sjį slśšurblöšin og öll kommentin. Svo hefur žetta skrķpi blómstraš og įtt tvö frįbęr tķmabil ķ Englandi og allir fyrirgįfu honum og la di da ... bżst ekki viš öšru nśna. Žetta veršur sama la di da.
Doddi - Žorsteinn G. Jónsson (IP-tala skrįš) 7.8.2008 kl. 08:34
hvaš er ég bśin aš segja viš žig ruglustampurinn žinn!! hann hefur aš sjįlfsögšu įttaš sig į žvķ aš MAN UTD er stęrsti klśbburinn til aš spila fyrir, hann žyrfti bara hitta stęrsta nafniš ķ boltanum til aš įtta sig į žvķ.
en hvernig er žaš, eruš žiš aš spa ķ aš kaupa Ian Russ til aš hafa viš hliš Keane ķ sókninni, bara svona til aš hafa "jafnaldra" žarna frammi?
Ólafur Tryggvason, 7.8.2008 kl. 09:08
Er Liverpool XXXXX = öfund, aš fara meš (H)Omma (hinsegin dagar framundan allir aš leggja liš).
Žaš er vissulega pirrandi aš žurfa aš horfa upp į lišiš sitt vera um mišja deild ķ 20 įr.
En vertu glašur, žeir unnu Valerenga 4-1 svo žessu tķmabili er bjargaš!
Žóršur Helgi Žóršarson, 7.8.2008 kl. 13:46
Alltaf vęlandi
So what else is new
Ómar Ingi, 7.8.2008 kl. 15:32
Ómar Ingi, 7.8.2008 kl. 19:31
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.