Brit TV

Britney Spears has sparked speculation that she is shopping a television reality series after reports the former teen queen has ordered her entourage to carry video cameras with them at all times.

“Britney thinks a new reality show is just the thing she needs to help her kick start her career and prove to her fans she has put her recent troubles behind her.”

“Britney’s bodyguards and other staff members have been told to carry video equipment with them wherever they go so they don’t miss a thing,” an insider reveals to the Daily Sport.

“Whether Britney is high or low, feeling happy or sad, the cameras are there catching it all. Some of the footage is really explosive and it’s going to be must-see TV.”

PC Britney gerir raunveruleikaþátt um sig
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1 Smámynd: Ásdís Sigurðardóttir

ÉG hélt að við hefðum verið að fylgjast með raunveruleikaþætti síðustu ár. Kannski vill hún gera þátt um þann raunveruleika sem hún vill að sé.

Ásdís Sigurðardóttir, 30.7.2008 kl. 14:56

2 identicon

Nú hefur hún verið á batavegi en þá er ekkert fjallað um hana í fjölmiðlum.

 Allt er tekið úr samhengi og því bara gott mál að hún fái að segja sína hlið.

Geiri (IP-tala skráð) 31.7.2008 kl. 04:25

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