Gerard Butler kynnir į Comic Con hįtķšinni ROCKnROLLA nżjustu kvikmynd Guy Ritchie og segist ekki ętla aš leika ķ framhaldinu af 300 semsagt sem sem myndi gerast į undan 300 ķ tķmaröšinni

It's time for Comic Con; that special time of year when thousands of nerds invade southern California in the name of all things, sci-fi, action and of course, comic books.  Making a stop at this year's convention were Guy Ritchie and Gerard Butler with their new movie RocknRolla. Like the rest of Ritchie's films RocknRolla is set in the London underworld when a stolen painting pits some of  the city's scrappiest tough guys (Butler) against its more established players. 


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