'Dark Knight' sets midnight record



Warner Brothers has had an amazing Friday morning!


The Dark Knight shattered the record previously set by Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith for most moolah made from midnight screenings.

The highly anticipated new Batman flick made a staggering $18.4 million 'overnight'.

DAYUM! $18 million big ones for JUST midnight shows in one night?!

Hollywood's now waiting to see if Dark Knight will beat Spider-Man 3's opening day record of $59.84 million and the all-time best opening weekend record of $151.11 million (also set by Spider-Man 3).

Looks like it probably will to us!

Warner Bros.' "The Dark Knight" grossed the most ever for midnight shows, racking up an estimated $18.5 million.

The follow-up to 2005's "Batman Begins" outstripped the previous midnight record set by Fox's "Star Wars, Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith" which grossed $16.9 million from 3,663 venues. "Sith" went on to make $50 million in its first day, which was a Thursday. The highest single day opening record is currently held by Sony's "Spider-man 3" which made $59.8 million.

"Dark Knight" unspooled in a record number of sites - 4,366 - outstripping the wide bow of Disney's "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" which touted a theater count of 4,362.

Warner Bros. reported that the $18.5 million did not include 3:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M.

"Batman Begins" opened on June 15, 2005, a Wednesday, earning $15.1 million in its first day. Both "Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight" are directed by Christopher Nolan.

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