Fyrir Madonnu viftur

Madonna is trying to get Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake to perform-together-during her upcoming tour around the world.

After successful convincing Britney Spears to record a cameo appearance for her Sticky & Sweet Tour, kicking off next month, the Material Girl is reportedly desperate to get JT on stage as well. The “Rock Ya Body” star collaborated heavilyon the star’s current Hard Candy album and she wants him to perform one of their duets from the LP.

“Madonna is always trying to raise the bar and Britney and Timberlake on the same stage would be perfect,” a blabbing spy gushed to The Sun on Thursday.

“They have both been asked but I think both are a bit reluctant. Britney would find it all a bit emotional and JT might not fancy it….More likely is that they both appear on different dates.”

“But if anyone can make this happen it’s Madonna.”

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