Why So Serious !!


This is crazy.

Reports are surfacing that the new Warner Bros Batman film, Dark Knight, is set to have a record-breaking weekend.

Sources are estimating that the film will bring in around $130 million for its opening 3-day weekend.

And, when it opens, next Friday, is not even a holiday weekend! Even more impressive!

However, WB is trying to lower expectations, suggesting that the film might "only" make $90 million due to increased competition now as opposed to the beginning of May.

ONLY $90 million? That's still a damn lot!

And, as we mentioned last month, pre-sales for the film are selling out quickly!

We've already scored our tix for opening night at one of the Imax theaters in L.A. Yay!!!!

Additionally, inside sources are telling PerezHilton.com exclusively that the opening weekend for the

Batman sequel could bring in about $150 million or more. That's record breaking!

And, despite the fact that the movie is a bit longer than usual, at 2 hours and 32 minutes, theater managers are trying to by-pass the problem by adding late and round-the-clock screenings during its debut on July 18th.

So the main question is, Will U go watch Dark Knight on its opening weekend?

(Duh, the answer is yes.)

Tekiš af Perez

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