Ein mynd af Amy į dag kemur skapinu ķ lag


This is insane!

Amy Winehouse attacked THREE people over the course of the last four days!

One of her attack victims is her own security guard. That attack is pictured above.

On Tuesday, as Amy attempted to get from her car to her front door, the hordes of paparazzi trying to get a picture appeared to spark that volatile temper of hers and she shoved the poor security guard straight in the face.

The guard has been posted outside Wino's London flat by her record label to keep out 'undesirables'.

We wonder if he'll sue the crazy druggie? He should! Hostile work environment or some other shizz.

She's reminding us of a rabid dog these days!

On Saturday, Wino attacked a 29-year old salesman at a London bar. She supposedly punched him three times in the face.

The bar victim said, “It really stung. I couldn’t believe it. I hadn’t said anything to her or touched her.”

After the attack the singer then stormed out.

He went on to report that the beehived mess had been downing tequila and “looked as if she was in another world”.

An enabler pal of Amy’s insists, “Someone behind her pinched her bottom and she reacted.”

Why would anyone want to touch that???


Hours after attacking the salesman, Amy was at it AGAIN! She struck a fan outside her flat after claiming he pinched her bottom.

Is that one of the effects of drugs? You feel like your ass is being consistently pinched?

Note to self: Wear helmet next time around Winehouse.

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