Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake will executive produce a new game show for MTV. It's called "The Phone" and based on a Dutch series that combines elements of "The Amazing Race" and "The Bourne Identity."

Here's how it will work: two cell phones will ring at opposite ends of a city. Contestants have five seconds to decide if they want to play. They have to race against each other to accomplish the mission and win a cash prize.

"The Phone" will premiere on MTV in the fall.

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1 Smįmynd: Įsdķs Siguršardóttir

Aldrei heillast af žessum gaur, enda kynslóš eldri. 

Įsdķs Siguršardóttir, 6.7.2008 kl. 15:00

2 Smįmynd: Ómar Ingi

Ekki einu sinni CRY ME A RIVER

Common Please ekki lįta svona žś hlustar į žaš over and over again ķ svampinum žķnum Dķsa

Ómar Ingi, 6.7.2008 kl. 15:06

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