Amy og Pam ķ fréttum

Oh dear! A blonde girlfight! Serial homie humper Pamela Anderson blasted Jessica Simpson on an Australian radio program on Monday.

The thrice divorced animal rights activist is hopping mad over a shirt Jessica wore during an Encino shopping trip two weeks ago-the tee read “Real Girls Eat Meat.” What was originally perceived as a diss to singer Carrie Underwood  a strict vegetarian who once dated Jessica’s beau Tony Romo, has earned the “Sweetest Sin” star all kinds of flack from PETA-and now Pamela Anderson.

“I think she is a bitch and whore,” Pam fumed. “Actually, I don’t know if she was talking about food or men.”

Amy Winehouse is about to be immortalized in wax. The five-time Grammy Award winner will be honored with a statue at the World-Famous Madame Tussauds Wax Museum in London. The wax figure, which’ll be unveiled later this year, will feature Winehouse’s signature beehive hairdo and assortment of decorative pin-up girl tattoos. (Crack pipe not included.)

“We are really pleased to be creating Amy; she is a real icon in modern British music, a continual award winner, and an internationally recognized star widely requested by our guests,” says Madame Tussauds General Manager Edward Fuller.

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