K Fed - wanna marry again 4,5$ in it 4 U

Brit Brit Spears has never loved a tool the way that she's loved KFed and Daddy Spears knows this. That's why he's offered KFed $4.5 million to remarry Brit so says Star Magazine.

A source said that Daddy Spears has been trying to get KFed back in Brit's life for a long ass time now. He's been in negotiations with KFed while keeping it from Brit.

The source went on to say that Daddy's latest offer to KFed is $4.5 million. I hope he's not dipping into Brit's frapp fund. That wouldn't be funny. The source said, “His latest offer is $4.5 million in cash and a trust account set up with another $5 million if Kevin moves back in with Britney within a year. If they actually remarry, Jamie will add another $5 million to Kevin’s account.

KFed is playing hard ball and he wants $20 million and refuses to sign a prenup when they remarry. That KFed. Once a whore always a whore.

This is obviously a bunch of lie-telling. I mean, you know KFed would remarry her ass for a year supply of XXL Fruit of the Loom white t-shirts and a $100 gift certificate to Dave & Buster's. It doesn't take much.

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