Villikötturinn AMY W

Amy Winehouse has backed out of plans to record a track for the next James Bond flick, The Quantum of Solace, after a furious studio battle with her producer, Mark Ronson. Crackhouse is outraged by comments Ronson made on British television show Sky News, claiming it was unlikely work on the Quantum of Solace track would continue “unless by some miracle of science it gets recorded and someone sings a vocal on it.” “We did work on it but we never finished it so that’s about it…I’m not sure she’s ready to work on music yet.”Mark said.

“That is unhelpful, to say the very least,” an Amy insider revealed to
the British press on Saturday. “Amy and the rest of the team are furious by what Ronson has said….Amy wasn’t happy with the finished product and let her feelings known. The whole things smacks of sour grapes. Amy is more than capable of working at the moment despite a turbulent few weeks. In fact, throwing herself into her music is very much an escape for her at the moment.”

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Žetta er ekkert nżtt , Mark Ronson į stóran hluta ķ velgengi hennar og žau eru žrįtt fyrir žaš engir vinir , žegar hann vissi af žvķ aš hśn ętti aš fį aš syngja lagiš fyrir Bond myndina , lét hann hana ekki ķ friši og lét haf ažaš eftir sér aš ef hśn myndi ekki lįta hann vera meš ķ žessu verkefni , žį myndi hann aldrei vinna meš henni framar.

En aušvitaš er erfitt aš vinna meš einstklingi sem er alltaf aš drekka og dópa og ķ millitķšinni aš lemja fólk og ķ yfirheyrslum hjį löggunni um ofbeldisverk vikunar.

Viš vonum žaš besta enda vitum viš hvaš žessir snillingar hafa og geta fęrt okkur ķ mśsik.


Amy Winehouse is still a fucking mess, and everyone around her knows is.

The singer's Back to Black collaborator, Mark Ronson, was set to work on her for the theme song to the new James Bond film, but that didn't pan out.

Says Mark: "We did work on it but we never finished it. I don’t think it will happen unless by some miracle it gets recorded and someone sings on it. I’m not sure Amy is ready to work on music yet.

For her part, Winehouse's rep released the following - very politically correct - statement: “Mark presented a track to Amy, but she had other ideas about the direction it should take. We’re sure they will continue to make great music together.”

We're sure they will continue to make great music together too, unless Amy is dead or in jail. Both very likely scenarios!

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