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1 Smámynd: Helga Dóra

Hæ, bara að láta vita að ég fygist  með Hvernig er það,,, ekkert slúður um þetta með Whitney Houston og stungutilræði dóttur hennar??? Væri til í að sjá mynd af dótturinni....

Helga Dóra, 2.5.2008 kl. 17:02

2 Smámynd: Ómar Ingi

Gott Gott HD

According to the National Enquirer, Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown's daughter Bobbi Kristina tried to commit suicide days before her 15th birthday this past March. The tabloid is reporting that the troubled teen lashed out at her mother and stabbed her during an argument.

Allegedly, Bobbi Kristina then attempted to take her own life by slashing her wrists. This information was divulged to the rag by family friend Ann Davis, who says that Kristina's main source of frustration is that she she doesn't want to live with her mother.

After the incident, the 15-year-old was taken to a psychiatric ward in Atlanta to receive treatment

Þetta er í NE slúðurblaði dauðans , ekkert komið meira um þetta en þar , sjáum hvað setur :)

Ómar Ingi, 2.5.2008 kl. 17:12

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